Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu Wiki
Demiplane (Anime)

"Subspace"/"Demiplane" in the Anime

"Subspace" or "Demiplane" ( () (くう), Akū), is a unnamed special alternate space created through Tomoe's power and got altered because of her contract with Makoto. It has turned into a fertile land, acting as the base for Makoto & Co., who have built a city inside it.


Originally a void alternate space, Shin would use it to trap her opponents. To access the space, Shin used her mist as an intermediary gates. Its size is based on the amount of magic power. Inside Subspace, Shin had the ability to limit the usage of magic of the people trapped inside and can also bend the laws of physics. Also for some reason, Shin's body is detached from it, so any damage in there won't affect her real body.

However after Tomoe's pact with Makoto, the alternate space changed not only in size, but it transformed into a whole different land complete with its own ecology and environment, which is similar to that of Earth, mainly because of Makoto's influence. Also, with each new pact that Makoto forms, the environment expands and new ecology is added. The size of Subspace also increases with every increase in Makoto's powers (though ecology and environment isn't changed in this case).

"Tamaki's honest impression is that Subspace is an incredibly ideal land. like an Utopia." (Tamaki should know about the words denoting those kind of places, like: Elysium, Agartha, Eden, Heaven, Shangri-la, Mount Penglai.)

"When she is the one saying it, I feel like there's some sort of meaning behind it. In the first place, I myself…don't like the word Utopia that much. Because of the name's origin, and the circumstances surrounding it. <Utopia falls.>(Makoto)

It is the home base of the Kuzunoha Company.


"This is just an approximate feeling, but the current vastness of Subspace might be the same as the part of the Goddess' world that is currently known." (chapter 220)

"With my previous experiences as reference, it has probably expanded 100 kilometers in every direction." (chapter 220)

God's Gift[]

  • Sea: A gift of Susanoo where he expanded the territorial dispute of Subspace. A pure white sandy beach with a pleasant scent and waves of water. A whole space of water and the horizon that can be seen from afar. [1]
  • Tree: A gift of Athena. It is known as the Socotra Dragon Tree written as 'Dragon Blood Tree (竜血)'. According to Makoto, it originally grows in places close to where people who hold beliefs towards that God are. It has a mushroom-shape, it's size is huge and it is taller than the ones normally seen by people. The sap that comes out from the trunk is deep red, and serves as medicine. It is not only used as an ointment but it also has a trait of hardening in the rain to be used as a pill as well. [2]
  • Shrine/Temple: Shinto Shrine gifted by Daikokuten, Buddhist Temple gifted by Susanoo and Pathelogy Temple gifted by Athena. [3]


(information to be filled out)

Park of the Trees[]


Native Species[]

Since the creation of the demiplane, not only have things been created at the level of habitat, water, land, flora and fauna similar to those that Makoto remembers from his world, but also the formation of life itself at the animal. Each animal, unlike those on land, has good intelligence, and good knowledge, strength, and use of magic, which can make them dangerous to anyone who dares to try to threaten them when entering their territories. Until now, the number of animal species and breeds native to the demiplane are:

• Bears

• Wolves

• Birds

• Rabbits

Immigrated species and races[]

• Orcs

• Mist Lizards

• The Alkes

• Gorgons

• Wingkins

Notable Landmarks[]

  • A Shinto shrine archway leading through a forest as well as others structures.
  • Villages
  • Towns
  • Port town
  • Walls


  • The term "Asora" has become a popular fan-name for this place, dating back to a misreading of "亜空" by the fan-translator while translating the webnovel (亜 = A, 空 = Sora, 亜空 = Akū).
  • While in the Light Novel and Manga, initially the demiplane did not have its own life at the animal level,[4] in the Anime and Web novel, when Makoto investigates the surroundings, you can see there are live animals in the demiplane, such as rabbits, wolves, eagles and bears.[5]
  • While in the Light Novel, Web Novel and manga, it is not mentioned that the protagonist, Misumi Makoto, has received as a gift from the gods or created by his contracts with his followers or himself, a lunar celestial body. In the Anime, it is seen that in the demiplane, a moon during the nights in which Makoto and his followers spend the nights, from time to time.[6]


  1. Web Novel: Chapter 193
  2. Web Novel: Chapter 222-224
  3. Web Novel: Chapter 222-224
  4. Light novel: volume 1 - chapter 5
  5. episode: 2
  6. Anime: episode 12